



There are two women in charge of clothes, cloth and bedding. One of them is Liu Hua.

—— 孙犁《白洋淀纪事》

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Every day, the Committee of the new peasant association is convened in the afternoon, and the general assembly of the new peasant association is held in the evening. This is a series of exciting and enthusiastic days. It's a complex and heavy day. When we come back from the meeting every day, it's time for the chickens to crow.

—— 孙犁《白洋淀纪事》

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In fact, the situation in the countryside at this time is much more complicated than fishing. How many eyes are there? How many different eyes are there? Please look at the fish!

—罩洞判— 孙犁《白洋淀纪事》

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Soon, the working condition of the house changed. Everyone remembered the attention of his wife and children and chose the right fruits, including the color, quantity and price of the clothes.

—— 孙犁《白洋淀纪事》

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The operator keeps producing zirconium, counting the number of pieces, and the clothes are also disordered. The speed of work is greatly reduced when you step on your feet and the Di is under your buttocks.

—— 孙犁《白洋淀纪事》

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There are many landlords in daguanting, and it's very snobbish. She used to be a short-time female worker, who specialized in tearing down, washing and getting clothes for the landlord's family and waiting for the moon.

—— 孙犁《白洋淀纪事》

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The document on the division of classes has been published, which is much more lenient and correct than what has been done.