
testing 是什么意思?

testing 是什么意思?

testing 音标: ['testɪŋ]词义:1n. [试验] 测试You can select any one of them for testing.  您可以颤兄选择其中任何一个进行测试。2adj. 试验的;茄档袭棘手的Turkey is one of the most testing places you can play football and we found that out to our cost when we went out there for a second round European Cup tie that none of us will ever forget.  土耳其的球队是一个非常棘手的对手,我们也付出了代价,当我们在冠军杯第二轮结束后没人忘记那个痛苦的回忆。3v. 测验;考查;受考验(test的蠢碰ing形式)What are we testing? 跟读我们正在测试什么?