具体点吧,是电影,还是音频,还是剧本,具体哪个版本,给个地址吧,不然没法回答。 听了几遍,声音实在太小了。
i swear to you ,nerisa ,i am weary of this great world. you would be ,
sweet madom ,if your miseries was kind of size of your good fortune
and yet ,from what i see,there, ithink ,that have excess as those stopped
with nothing if doing were as easy as konwing one what gonna to do ,chapples had being churchesand poor man's cottages printed to palaces,but this reasoning is not in the way
to choose a husband.oh ,mentioning about the choose, i meanna i won't choose what i like
nor i dislike.so this is the will of a living daughter ruled by a dead father.
that was not hardness? ,i cannot choose one nor refuse none ,your father was always rihteous,and a holy man before dead, have good inspirations , before the lashery ,that he devised the chest of gold ,silver ,and lead
so that you choose .choose the one he mening to you . no doubt only be guessed rihgtly
by someone he usually rightly love.