


这是一首芬兰民歌 歌曲桥郑名:在森林和原野 在森林和原野是多么的逍遥 亲爱的朋友啊你在想什么 种一颗树苗每一年鲜花盛放 这是多么美丽啊多么美丽啊 小鸟轻轻在歌唱小鸟轻轻在舞蹈 朋友啊你为什么苦恼又悲伤 那年那月那天那个厅消指时辰 亲爱的朋友啊扮配你来猜猜看 那年那月那天那个时候 烦恼苦闷都消除快乐又逍遥 How I like to wander in the forrests and plains feel the wind in my hair and listen to birds sing guess they're trying to say that they're in a good mood if only I could tell them I feel just the same whatever is the problem whatever is on you mind why not take a trip with me in the country side lie on your back count the clouds with me nevermind the future for the future will be http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=%D4%DA%C9%AD%C1%D6%BA%CD%D4%AD%D2%B0&lm=-1 http://www.ge66.com/list/28190.htm