consent [kən'sent] n. 同意,许可v. 同意,承诺[ 过去式consented 过去分词consented 现在分词consenting 第三人称单数consents 名词consenter ] 1. By the common consent of critics, Shakespeare is the prince of character delineators.评论家一致公认莎士比亚是刻世源孝画人物的大师。2. Law is an utterance determined by the common consent of the people.法律裂闷是全体公民一致同意所决定的意见之表达。3. We consent his point basically of the policy of the economic reform.关于经济改革的方针政策,我们基本同意他的观点。assent [ə'sent] n. 赞成v. 同意[ 过去式assented 过去分词assented 现在分词assenting 第三人称单数assents 名词assenter 形容搜稿词assentive 副词assentingly ] 1. The new law has received the royal assent.新的法规已得到国王的批准。2. To this also I entirely assent....这点我也完全同意....3. The girl hit the boy in face, because he kissed her without assent.女孩给了男孩一记耳光;因为男孩未经同意吻了她.
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