"PVGabbr. 上海浦东国际机场网络释义上海浦东例:拍早去年台商包机回大陆探亲时,首选降祥贺历落机场是上海浦东(PVG),合肥骆岗(HFE)和杭州萧山(HZG)作为备降机场。南昌昌北是哪个的备降机谨搜场不清楚。短语passport pvg 音网关PVC PVG 阻燃输送带 ; 主营输送带 ; 整芯输送带 ; 各种新旧输送带双语例句PVG type suitable for the wet angle of 20 degrees below water conveyance.PVG 型适用于20 度以下倾角的潮湿有水物料输送。www.cad8.netIt was found that PVG′s permeability coefficient first decreases, and then increases, then keeps stead, at last increases with the increase of GA content in PVG membranes .结果表明,随着缩醛膜中戊二醛含量的增加,缩醛膜渗透系数的变化规律是:从减小到增加到不变再到增加;www.hplpb.com.cnPVC can be divided according to different structures for the type (plastic surface) PVG type (based on attaching the PVC rubber surface) flame retardant solid band, perform MT/914-2002 standards.按结构不同可以分PVC 为型,(塑料面) PVG 型(在PVC 基础上加附橡胶面)整芯阻燃带,执行MT/914-2002 标准。"
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